More and more numbers of the fairer sex want to know how to enlarge breasts with iodine. The method is cheap, quite simple, but quite dangerous. How to enlarge breasts with iodine, you can consult a doctor, because there are certain contraindications when using this drug. It all depends on the natural data of the girl, because a woman rarely exercises or other methods to increase the number of mammary glands without changing other parts of the body.
How drugs are used with this method
Breast augmentation with iodine occurs due to increased blood circulation (at least in theory) in the breast area when an alcoholic solution of iodine is applied to the skin. Many women do this at home, because the procedure itself is very simple: iodine mesh is applied to the breast. Is it possible to enlarge breasts with iodine? Official medicine is not aware of the effectiveness of the use of this substance for breast enhancement, but also can not deny the fact of the success of the use of this drug. Traditional medicine claims that breast augmentation with iodine is very possible, but certain rules must be followed. Breast size can be increased, as a rule, by 1-2 figures. This is not due to a change in the size of the mammary glands, but by an increase in the amount of muscle in the chest.
Iodine for breast augmentation can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is sold in the form of an alcoholic solution, which should be used for the procedure.
How to use mesh?
The method of breast augmentation with iodine is very simple, but everything must be done carefully and accurately. The technology for its implementation is as follows:
- First, the girl must take a shower. The décolleté area should be rinsed well. It is best to use a special cleansing lotion or other similar product for this.
- After that, massage the entire surface of the breast.
- At the pharmacy, you have to buy a bottle of medicine and a cotton swab first.
- On the breast, you need to paint a strip with iodine, which should not touch the nipple area. It may look like a breast augmentation net or a spiral knocking toward the center. The main thing is that the line is continuous and as often as possible.
- After that, you have to wait until the medicine used dries. For the duration of the procedure, you will need to buy and wear underwear after the session that is made of a breathable natural fabric that supports the breast well, but do not squeeze it.
- Keep in mind that the iodine grid should consist of longitudinal or transverse lines that cannot intersect anywhere. The distance between these segments should be more than 0. 5 cm.
Women who have tried this technique claim that it can increase breasts by 1 measurement in 30 to 90 days. The first results with regular treatment sessions appear after 3-4 weeks, but for most girls, the effect of using this method appears after 2-3 months.
Be careful that the medicine does not accidentally hit the nipple, as this can cause a rather painful burn. Women should understand that this is not about how to enlarge the breasts, but about the application of the recommended procedure properly. Many girls, wanting to speed up the process, increase the dose of medication used, and then end up in hospital due to severe burns. It is not possible to cover the mammary glands with a continuous layer, this can lead to negative consequences. Thus, a mesh or spiral is made.
Contraindications to this procedure
Breast enlargement with iodine occurs gradually. Therefore, the session of application of the substance on the skin is done once every 24 hours. Since this substance is a drug, it also has contraindications.
If, during the use of the net, the fairer sex feels feverish, increased body temperature, then it is necessary to immediately stop the session. To prevent the appearance of burns on the skin, it is forbidden to cross the line of iodine. The next layer is not applied on top of the previous layer, but slightly to the side. To do this, you need to step back at least 5 mm from where the previous line was drawn.

It is forbidden to use iodine to enhance the breasts of girls who are prone to the development of cancerous tumors on the mammary glands. Therefore, any woman wishing to use the described mammary gland enlargement method should be examined by a mammologist for the absence of cancerous or malignant neoplasms.
If a girl lives in an area where there is a deficiency of iodine in the human body, then it is better she does not use the described procedure, because the substance will be absorbed into the skin only because of its deficiency in the body.
If used too often, the mesh can cause skin burns, sternal disease, thyroid disease. In many cases, overdose occurs, diseases such as iodism appear. The disease can also manifest itself with individual drug intolerance. During the disease, the airways are damaged, and this causes coughing. Irritation spreads to the eyes, which sharply damages vision. On the patient's body, painful sores and pimples develop, similar to the symptoms that appear with skin eripelas.
It is forbidden to apply the procedure with prescribed drugs to pregnant women, as this can lead to very serious negative results due to hormonal changes in the body of the pregnant mother.

Doctors recommend putting a net on the décolleté just for the flu, in a short time.
The use of this drug can be the onset of cancer in some of the fairer sexes. Then, instead of breast augmentation, they can remain without mammary glands. In the simplest cases, they can cause severe skin burns or dry out the décolleté area. And this will cause the emergence of discomfort due to the deterioration of the woman's appearance.
Conclusions on the topic
There is no need to look for a universal remedy in the proposed method of breast augmentation. A number of girls manage to increase breasts by 1-2 measurements, but most of these methods do not help. The consequences of improper alcohol consumption of the above substances are unpredictable, and in many cases irreparable.